WTF happened to Coldplay

I remember the first time I heard Coldplay‘s music. It was late 1999 (I think). I picked up a copy of an EP called The Blue Room, which featured five tracks on it. I would later discover that this was the band’s first release under the Parlophone label that they’d recently signed with.


Coldplay, wondering why they don't think their music sounds shit when every one else does.

I thought it was magnificent at the time – still do actually. It was such a unique sound, and Chris Martin’s vocals were like nothing I’d ever heard. Soon after that came Parachutes, the band’s debut album. I got it before it was released. I was so excited by their sound. I loved every track, one of which, Don’t Panic, appeared in a different form on the EP.

Fast forward a decade or so, and I’m lost for words again about Coldplay’s latest release. I can’t believe what I’m hearing. Again, it’s a unique sound, like nothing I’ve ever heard.

Trouble is, it’s uniquely shit.

Colpdplay was one of those band’s I thought I’d like forever, like Death Cab For Cutie, or Elbow, or Sigur Ros. But every time they’ve released a record, it’s been short of the one before. A Rush Of Blood To The Head, their second album, was OK. The Scientist is a beautiful song, and I always liked Warning Sign too. There were other good tracks on there, but none with the quality of the Parachutes tracks.

The production was up-scaled on A Rush Of Blood To The Head somewhat, in my view to the band’s detriment, and that trend continued into X&Y, which again only had a couple of tracks on it I liked. Then there was Vida La Vida, an odd title for an equally odd record. Upon listening to opening track Life In Technicolour, I remember thinking: “Oh, OK. We’re back on track here. This is good.” But then every other track failed to inspire me. By the end of the album, they’d lost me. I couldn’t take it anymore.

The sad thing is that’s made me listen to the older stuff less. I cranked Shiver from Parachutes as I was writing this and thought: “Wow. That’s a fucking great song.” It’s simple. There is nothing complicated about it, but it’s just a great song. Structurally sound, lyrically interesting – just good all over.

And now, in mid-2011, they deliver Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall to our ears. A lot has already been written about this track, but very little of it good. Many have said it sounds like a 90s disco track. I can’t disagree. The first thing that came into my head when I heard it was the Mardi Gras gay, lesbian and bisexual parade that happens every year here in Sydney. Believe me, that’s not a good endorsement. It’s just bog-standard awful. Have a listen, if you dare, and then read on.

My girlfriend said to me what’s happened to Coldplay is like someone who takes a great photograph, and then touches it up so much with Photoshop that it ends up looking completely weird and shit. She’s so right. Coldplay no longer represents the band I loved so much all those years ago.

So what went wrong? It’s like they’ve had their song put through some sort of weird-ass pop machine by the record company executives at Parlophone in the hope that millions of dollars a spat out of the other end. Stadium rock just isn’t their bag. I wish they’d wake up and realise that, but while the money keeps rolling in, it’s unlikely that will happen.

It’s sad. Perhaps the track’s title – teardrops and waterfalls – is some sort of metaphor for what any fans that remain are going through as they hear this new track. One thing is certain – I won’t be going to see them live again until they find a cure for their sickness. It’s just not worth it anymore.

Postscript: Seems I’m not the only person thinking this way. here’s a fun post from popbitch on the possible inspirations for this track.

22 thoughts on “WTF happened to Coldplay

  1. Hey,

    I think it’s sad how you think about coldplay.

    Their first album I heard was Viva La Vida. It took me about two days to get in it but I loved it from the very beginning.
    I couldn’t stop listening. I loved Cemetries of London so much and then it was Lost and then Viva La Vida and so on.

    I got some more albums. I love Parachutes. It’s wonderful. I love Rush of Blood maybe even more. I don’t know. XY is not perfect but how could I live without Fix you?

    And then there was the Prospect March EP. So brilliant!
    So beautiful!

    I was really looking forward to every teardrop is a waterfall.
    But now it’s different. I agree that the song isn’t perfectly produced.
    Nevertheless if you look at the quintessence there is covered under too much electronica a nice song.

    I don’t know if you took a look at some videos of coldplay’s appearance at Rock am Ring and Rock im Park in Germany. I guess not.
    They played some wonderful new songs and the whole performance was great.

    No matter if some song aren’t perfect no matter if some don’t touch me but after all they are always going through progresses. I believe they don’t work only for the money. They want to be good and bring out good music.

    I guess your main problem is that you were a fan from the very beginning and can’t accept that they are filling huge stadiums.

    However. I can’t know exactly why you are so disappointed.

    a Coldplay fan

    P.S. I’m sorry for my bad english. Please don’t mind.


    • I don’t care that they’re filling stadiums. I just wish they were filling the air at those stadiums with better sounds. I think everything I’ve written explains why I’m so disappointed. I think the best way to sum it up is by saying for Coldplay, less is more – in my opinion.


    • In all honesty, agree with you, COldplay fan. I love most of their albums (cept for VLV- worst album ever, except for Violet Hill) and Parachutes is my fav. MX is okay, it’s not ALL bad. I loved X&Y, their song Fix You got me through a really bad time in my life. And honestly? Every Teardrop is A Waterfall is a great song. It’s like “even though you hurt me, I’m still gonna keep on going” and I just love that. Coldplay is one of my top favorite bands and I’m gonna stick with them, no matter what.


    • Wow you have to be utterly stupid to think the author is hating on Coldplay because they are popular now? You are the kind of shallow audience that the new coldplay is pandering to. I remember Chris said once that they will never sell their music for ads or movies and look whats happening now. I suggest you listen to their first 3 albums to see how their music has gone downhill. Then again, since you seem to lap up their recent stuff, I doubt you’d appreciate the real Coldplay sound.


  2. I couldn’t agree more, everything you’ve said has been my experience with the band too. I love the The Blue Room EP and Parachutes, they’re great records. A Rush of Blood to the Head has some good tracks but that’s it. And I’ve found myself not listening to Coldplay at all. I’d love to see them going back to the older stuff with ‘Nick Drake’ style tuning and simple melodies, there was something there. But that’s never going to happen. I’m not even going to entertain the new album to be honest, and as for paying to see them, not a chance.


  3. i do so agree with you. your thoughts are exactly what ive been thinking since their x&y album release, when i noticed they became more and more commercial. and as you wrote, it never occured to me i could EVER stop loving coldplay and chris martins voice. i still really love the old ones, parachutes, a rush of blood to the head etc and they will never fail to be my all time favourites, but for now i havent bought or even listened to the new album. its so sad. when i heard chris saying in an interview “we are doing a song with rihanna” i was out. i always thought coldplay wasnt about filling stadiums with millions of people but probably the success made them emotionally dull regarding their lyrics and type of music. i am so disappointed..


    My eyes nearly fell out when I saw the ETIAW video. Who/what on earth was that?
    It’s so sad to witness what’s happening with Coldplay these days.
    Everyone’s saying a band’s got to move forward and evolve with time. Yes, I agree with that but DAMN those old songs were good. What they did was special.
    Simple honest songs with their hearts and souls poured into it. You could just feel it.
    The whole Mylo Xyloto album is so impersonal. Synths to appease the masses.
    It’s like they’ve forgotten what they’ve set out to do & what made them different in the first place and lost themselves in the process. Heartbreaking stuff.


  5. I just can’t believe this is the same band I used to love. The first two albums will be with me forever, its just a terrible shame that when asked about Parachutes Chris Martin actually said this “We know that’s terrible music and we always try to think about what we can do next.” He couldn’t have been more wrong, each album since has been worse. I stopped listening to them after X and Y. I could have never thought I would dislike Coldplay, but they really are trying too hard now. I don’t know what they are trying to be but it sounds like shit. For them simple was better, all the production has taken its toll, and the lyrics? Come on!


  6. Evolution, progression, and change are a natural part of life. Did we all really expect Coldplay to remake Parachutes over and over again? I was surprised no one started complaining about Radiohead after OK Computer. I’ve found Coldplay’s attempts at innovation satisfying. Too bad for you……………………………………


    • Well not too bad at all, really. I’ve moved on to other more interesting things. And I can’t agree with your use of “innovation” in relation to Coldplay’s more recent releases.


  7. Sinceramente, no entiendo. No les gusta como ha cambiado coldplay, es eso verdad? Porque yo recién el año pasado comenzé con mi fanatizacion por ellos, y me encanta su música. No entiendo cual es el problema de esta charla.


  8. I was just listening to iTunes at work, and some Coldplay came on. It’s VLV. After “Lost?” (the piano-only version), I started feeling nostalgic and I Googled “What happened to Colplay?” That’s when I found this post, and I’m so glad to see that others agree with me.

    I don’t agree with everything you said. I think Rush of Blood was their best album ever, and I love Parachutes and X&Y as well. To me, VLV is when they started going downhill, and MX is garbage. When I hear “Paradise” on the radio, I want to gag. I mean, did they even put any effort into that cheesy chorus? There’s nothing original about it. At all.

    In my opinion, Coldplay was at their peak with the tours they did following X&Y. Just awesome. And the thing about it was that it was real. Chris Martin’s voice isn’t perfect. He doesn’t have perfect pitch, and he doesn’t sing with perfect rhythm. But that’s what’s so great about it. It’s unique. And now all this extra production just takes everything that was so real and makes it so . . . . plain. There is no feeling left; there’s nothing personal about it – and if there is, it’s buried in the over-production. It’s beyond sad. As someone said above, it’s heartbreaking.

    This has nothing to do with big arenas or popularity or any of that stuff. I don’t care how successful they are or aren’t; I just loved their sound. I just wish they could undo the last two albums and pick up where the real band left off.

    Anyway, thanks for your post.


  9. Something similar to the last comment happened to me. I still love Parachutes and AROBTTH, and Coldplay were once one of my favorite bands. My taste has changed so much after the years, when i first listened to AROBTTH in 2003 i was still 11, or something, but after X & Y, even though i was still quite young, i knew something had changed, and it wasn’t good. Maybe because i was discovering Queens of the Stone Age and Garbage, now my favorite bands, but i know it wasn’t that. Coldplay changed, and it wasn’t for good. See Silverchair, another band that i love: the way they changed on every record and evolved their sound (after all, when they started they were really young and trying to do something from “their” era, then Daniel found out his idendity). Now with Coldplay it wasn’t the same, quality was lost, and it wasn’t even a problem about idendity of their sound, it was just pure quality. Anyway, i googled “What Happenned to Coldplay” this morning, and got here. Thanks for the great post.


  10. So we got to 2015 and guess what?, Coldplay keeps getting worst.
    …So here I am, listening to Death Cab For Cutie’s latest album; U2’s latest album, giving them a chance. And I liked them!
    So I decided maybe it was time to give Coldplay a chance; but first I listened to Parachute and Rush Of Blood. I was so happy and nostalgic, since I found Colplay when I was 13 and now I’m almost 28, and I just realized how long it’s been since I found Yellow on MTV… But it didn’t last. After those moments of magic I tried to listen their latest work (3 or maybe 4 album’s singles) but,Pff! it sounds like David Guetta joined the band! They’re so terrible! And I wonder: Why? I’ve seen people ruining their lives on drugs but these guys don’t do drugs, so… Was it alcohol? Or what? Chris Walla left DCFC and they still sound great! Coldplay has all of the original members in the band and yet, somehow, they turned into a kind of “electro-pop-kid’s songs-‘wannabe’ rock”.
    I don’t know. Maybe it isn’t their fault. For me, it’s FUN’s fault (the band)… And kids fault too: they no longer have teenage angst’ issues, they just wanna dance, ignore the bullies, have fun and drink till someone wants to get laid with them; they don’t care about war, politics, human rights, or kids blowing their heads in front of their classmates, like we did (care) back in the 90’s. Damn it!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I have to offer an opposing viewpoint here. Although it’s true that a lot of my generation isn’t a fan of ‘meaningful’ music, you can’t brush us all off. I know a number of people, including myself, who long for the songs full of heart and meaning we heard when we were younger. I can’t say I’m an avid follower of any band (like most people my age), since I usually only listen to music on the car radio, but I love what I’ve heard- ‘Speed of Sound’, ‘Clocks’, and ‘Viva La Vida’ are my personal favorites. Today I was wondering why I never heard any Coldplay songs anymore. I googled ‘what happened to coldplay’ and found this.


  11. September, 2015: Same opinion.
    I first listened to Coldplay with The Scientist. I love music, and when I like an artist I need to listed to all of his/her/their albums and tracks, so I went back and listened to Parachutes.
    In my opinion, they (Coldplay) were getting better on each album until X&Y. Then Viva La Vida came… then Mylo Xyloto… and now Ghost Stories 😦

    The last song I really liked was Strawberry Swing

    And what about their concerts? Has anyone noticed how much playback they use? I know it’s because they need it in order to sound “loyal” to the album tracks but then again, it demostrates how pop-electronic have become.


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